Global study confirms holistic approach to HIV care improves quality of life
ViiV Healthcare’s Positive Perspectives Wave 2 study has shown that higher levels of engagement between healthcare providers and people living with HIV are associated with better health outcomes.
The company presented four abstracts at the virtual AIDS 2020 conference shedding light onto the unmet needs of people living with HIV in 2020. The abstracts were built from data collected from the Positive Perspectives Wave 2 study which highlighted the importance of a holistic approach involving people living with HIV in open dialogue and joint decision-making.

9 јул 2020 10:19
First person with HIV in long-term remission without stem cell transplant
A Brazilian man shows no evidence of HIV remaining in his body after over a year off HIV antiretrovirals, but researchers say it's too early to speak of a functional cure.
SPARC-7 study recruited HIV positive adults who were still on their first HIV antiretroviral ...

9 јул 2020 09:28
Study finds injectable PrEP to be more effective than daily oral PrEP
Data presented at AIDS 2020 Virtual has shown that in a recent study ViiV Healthcare’s long-lasting injectable Cabotegravir was more effective at preventing HIV than the already highly effective Truvada.
4,570 cisgender men who have sex with men and transgender ...
O Life4me+
Jedan od glavnih ciljeva Life4me+ — jeste da sprečimo nove slučajeve HIV-a i ostalih polno prenosivih infekcija, hepatitisa C i tuberkuloze. Zato pričamo o HIV-u i drugim dijagnozama: kako da se zaštitite od njih, kako da živite sa njima.

Kampanja U=U (#UequalsU)
Informativna i edukativna kampanja "N=N", "U=U" ("Nemerljivo=Neprenosivo", "Undetectable equals untransmittable", #UequalsU, #НравноН), organizovana od strane Life4me + u regionu Istočne Evrope i Centralne Azije, imala je za cilj širenje informacije da HIV pozitivna osoba sa nedetektabilnim brojem kopija virusa u krvi ne može da prenese virus drugoj osobi seksualnim putem.
Mnoge studije su pokazale da kod parova u kojima je jedan partner HIV pozitivan, a drugi ne, kada je HIV pozitivan partner na ARV terapiji i ima nedetektabilan broj kopija virusa u krvi, ne postoje prijave slučajeva transmisije HIV-a seksualnim putem.
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