Future Horizons: Life4me.plus Symposium on the Future of HIV in Cologne 2024
Join us at the "Future of HIV" Symposium on January 24th in Cologne, Germany—a continuation of a series dedicated to fostering dialogue between healthcare professionals and community representatives through engaging discussions. Participation is free, and physicians can earn CME credits. Reserve your spot now!

24 七月 2023 11:43
Summer Camp for Ukrainian Youth 2023 to be held in Berlin
We invite activist Ukrainian youth aged 18 to 27 years old to apply to participation in the forthcoming Summer Camp 2023. It will take place from 22nd to 27th September in Berlin. This year's theme is "Sexual education". If you are keen to develop your knowledge ...

30 五月 2023 07:37
Life4me+ has launched an international project to enable access to ART when abroad
Anyone living with HIV, who moves to another country, should continue to take care of their health. "Stay on ART" is an international Life4me+ project to facilitate access to ART and medical care for HIV in the host country.

U=U运动 (#UequalsU)
我的生活+在东欧和中亚地区组织的信息和教育活动 "U=U" (“无法检测到等于不可传播”,#UnqualsU,#НравноН)旨在传达一个信息,即HIV阳性者在病毒载量无法被检测到时,不能将病毒通过性行为传染给另一个人。