Jedan od glavnih ciljeva Life4me+ — jeste da spreči nove slučajeve HIV-a i ostalih polno prenosivih infekcija, hepatitisa C i tuberkuloze.

Aplikacija pomaže da se uspostavi anonimna komunikacija između lekara i osoba koje žive sa HIV-om. Omogućava da lakše organizujete Vaš raspored upotrebe lekova i da postavite prikrivene i personalizovane podsetnike.

4 август 2017, 08:25

World’s largest PrEP Trial Start Was Announced in England

World’s largest PrEP Trial Start Was Announced in England - slika 1

NHS England announced the start of PrEP trial by people at high risk of becoming HIV positive. Transgender, bisexual men and women, members of LGBT communities, people whose partner lives with HIV but without therapy - about 10 000 people will become the participants of the trial and NHS PrEP Trial will be the largest if the World.

Trial starts in September in sexual clinics of 5 english cities - London, Manchester, Brighton, Liverpool and Sheffield. £10 million is the trial’s budget, including fees for the local officials and facilities, participating in the trial for the monitoring if the trial intervention.

Mylan would provide NHS with medications for the trial, according to the company’s victory of the drug procurement. NHS confirmed this Thursday that Mylan is to provide the trial with PrEP in the three-year long PrEP implementation.  

“This is a pivotal moment in the fight against HIV. PrEP, if targeted properly at those in need and at risk, offers the possibility of transforming the English HIV epidemic. From September, people at high risk of HIV will have access via this NHS funded trial in England to an empowering new tool that is truly individually controlled and not subject to negotiation with a partner, leading to the improvement of many, many lives. We warmly welcome this announcement.” - said Deborah Gold, Chief Executive at NAT (National AIDS Trust)

Autor: Liliya Ten

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