Jedan od glavnih ciljeva Life4me+ — jeste da spreči nove slučajeve HIV-a i ostalih polno prenosivih infekcija, hepatitisa C i tuberkuloze.

Aplikacija pomaže da se uspostavi anonimna komunikacija između lekara i osoba koje žive sa HIV-om. Omogućava da lakše organizujete Vaš raspored upotrebe lekova i da postavite prikrivene i personalizovane podsetnike.

16 март 2020, 14:29

Urgent call to patients on Kaletra

Urgent call to patients on Kaletra - slika 1

Kaletra is urgently needed to treat patients infected with the coronavirus (COVID19). The clinics don't have enough supplies.

Please bring back to the clinic all the Kaletra you have in stock immediately and have your HIV therapy changed. If a therapy switch is not possible, your doctor will discuss it with you. The decision is also up to you as a patient - your solidarity can save lives.

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