2.4. HIV testing

Anyone can do a blood test for HIV free of charge. HIV diagnostics are conducted anonymously and confidentially.
If the test is done anonymously, a person is assigned a number, by which one can learn the result (most people feel more comfortable in this way).
If the test is made confidentially, the patient reports the name, but the result is kept as a medical secret.
One can take the test in special clinics for HIV treatment a city, regional or district outpatient clinic or in offices of anonymous and voluntary testing. There are also movable transportable points for instant HIV diagnostics. In addition, one can take a test in private medical centers equipped with special facilities.
All testing facilities must provide individuals advice both before and after testing.
Thanks to special programs and the enacted laws to protect people with HIV, information should not be disclosed and shared with third parties, so individuals should not be afraid of their status being disclosed or discrimination in the case of a positive result.
Recently, instant tests have been developed that determine the presence of HIV in the blood, saliva and urine. They are disposable and intended for a quick (within 20 minutes) HIV antibodies assay. If there is a possible risk of infection it is best to repeat testing using the classical method ELISA.
If a person injects drugs or practices unprotected sex, it is recommended that he (she) be tested every three months.