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23 五月 2018, 15:48

Chemsex is associated with an increased risk of HIV transmission and sexual infections

Chemsex is associated with an increased risk of HIV transmission and sexual infections - 图片 1

The use of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM), crystallized methamphetamine, mephedrone, γ-hydroxybutyrate or γ-butyrolactone, and to a lesser extent cocaine and ketamine during sexual intercourse, or the so-called chemsex - is the phenomenon is relatively new, but has already become popular in Europe and America. However, as the British scientists found, the use of substances of this kind is associated with a higher risk of transmission of HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The results of the work were published this week in the journal HIV Medicine.

In the study, the researchers analyzed data on all MSM who visited two London sexual health clinics for 13 months. According to experts, among those who told that practicing "chemsex, five times more often registered new cases of HIV.

The authors of the study noted that when studying the materials, it was impossible to determine whether the intake of substances was the main cause of infection, but, according to scientists, the use of alcohol, drugs and other stimulants in sexual contact is most often associated with the rejection of partners from condoms and, accordingly, increased risk transmission of HIV and STIs.

"This is the first published data that clearly demonstrates the relationship between the new diagnosis of HIV and "chemical cells, "- commented the results of the work of the group's head Dr. Dr. Aseel Hegazi of the St. George Hospital at the University of London.

"Given the risk of MSM practicing" chemsex, "public awareness should be raised about the opportunities for accessing the most advanced HIV prevention strategies, such as PrEP, as well as the potential consequences of the use of stimulants," he added.
