Life4me+-ის ერთ-ერთი მთავარი მიზანია აივ, სხვა სგგი, ჰეპატიტი C და ტუბერკულოზის ახალი შემთხვევების პრევენცია.

აპლიკაცია ეხმარება აივ დადებით პირებს ექიმებთან ანონიმური კომუნიკაციის დამყარებაში. ეს ყველაფერი დაგეხმარებათ ორგანიზება გაუკეთოთ მედიკამენტების მიღების განრიგს და დააყენოთ ფარული და პერსონალიზებული შეხსენებები.

9 ოქტომბერი 2017, 13:59

Many MSM currently taking PrEP would switch to injectable forms of the therapy

Many MSM currently taking PrEP would switch to injectable forms of the therapy - სურათი 1

Approximately a third of gay and bisexual men who are currently taking oral (tenofovir/emtricitabine) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) would prefer long-acting injectable PrEP should it become available, investigators report in AIDS and Behavior. Individuals were less likely to prefer injectable PrEP if they had concerns about the level of protection it provided against HIV and/or about its durability, NAM reports.

“About one-third of gay and bisexual men currently taking oral PrEP would prefer LAI-PrEP [long-acting injectable PrEP], suggesting some men could change dosing forms after Phase 3 clinical trials are completed,” write the authors. “This research adds to a growing body of research supporting the acceptability and preference of LAI-PrEP dosing.”

Approximately two-thirds of new HIV infections in the US involve gay and bisexual men. Oral PrEP offers high levels of protection against infection with HIV. The treatment is now recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for gay and bisexual men at risk of HIV.

Long-acting injectable PrEP is currently in Phase 2a clinical trials. It has a number of potential advantages, removing the requirement to take daily treatment and the need to maintain high levels of treatment adherence.

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