Eines der Hauptziele von Life4me+ — ist neue Fälle von HIV und anderen STIs, Hepatitis C und Tuberkulose zu verhindern.

Die App hilft, eine Kommunikation zwischen Ärzten und HIV-positiven Menschen aufzubauen. Die App erlaubt Ihnen, einen Zeitplan für Ihre Medikamenteneinnahme bequem zu organisieren – dies geschieht über eine für Dritte nicht nachvollziehbare und personalisierte Erinnerung.

17 Januar 2017, 20:40

HIV neutralizing antibodies show promise

HIV neutralizing antibodies show promise - Bild 1

A collaborative team of German and American scientists published results of successful test of the HIV neutralizing antibody 10-1074. This new generation of  highly potent antibodies is able to neutralize a number of HIV strains. The research group is investigating if the antibody can be used to treat HIV infection.

The antibody targets a specific structure in the protein envelop and in the study, it was well tolerated. It showed high antiviral activity in HIV infected participants and the study was able to investigate development of resistant HIV variants. Further trials are scheduled for the spring.

"This trial was only possible because of the intensive collaboration with the Rockefeller University and many other clinical and scientific partners," says Prof Klein, principal investigator in Germany and co-last author of the study.

Autor*in: Narek Karamjan

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