Eines der Hauptziele von Life4me+ — ist neue Fälle von HIV und anderen STIs, Hepatitis C und Tuberkulose zu verhindern.

Die App hilft, eine Kommunikation zwischen Ärzten und HIV-positiven Menschen aufzubauen. Die App erlaubt Ihnen, einen Zeitplan für Ihre Medikamenteneinnahme bequem zu organisieren – dies geschieht über eine für Dritte nicht nachvollziehbare und personalisierte Erinnerung.

6 April 2017, 09:38

France Reaches Agreement With Gilead To Drop Prices Of Hepatitis C Treatment

France Reaches Agreement With Gilead To Drop Prices Of Hepatitis C Treatment - Bild 1

According to the ministry’s press release, the price decrease for the drugs Harvoni and Sovaldi are described as “very substantial”. New prices are expected to come into effect in April. For Sovaldi, it will drop from €41,000 euros to less than €28,700 euros for the treatment of hepatitis C, it said.

As Intellectual Property Watch says, the new prices will allow continued universal access to hepatitis C for patients in France, the release said. Hepatitis C treatments are integrally supported by the French social security system, which will benefit from those new prices, it added.

Autor*in: Narek Karamjan

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