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إلى الوراء
٧ يونيو ٢٠١٧, ١٣:١٦

Three Antiviral Drugs Combined In One Pill Can Cure Hepatitis C In a Relapse

Three Antiviral Drugs Combined In One Pill Can Cure Hepatitis C In a Relapse - صورة 1

French researchers are waiting for the FDA approval of their method of Hepatitis C cure by those who had a relapse of that disease. The pill contains sofosbuvir (Sovaldi), velpatasvir and voxilaprevir, strong antiviral drugs; all these drugs, combined in one pill showed a great success by those, who have failed other therapy. That kind of therapy is quite expensive.

"Currently, we have very good treatments for hepatitis C, and we are able to achieve a cure in over 90 percent of patients. So globally, although only a few patients relapse, it still is a significant number. We have other options even if you fail the first treatments." - commented Dr. Marc Bourliere, the researcher from the Hospital Saint Joseph in Marseilles, France.

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