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Sales started (PRODUCT) RED smartphones iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus

Sales started (PRODUCT) RED smartphones iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus - صورة 1

As reported by Financial Express, today on the official portal of Apple will begin selling a special line (PRODUCT) RED smartphones iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. The red color of the product used by the brand means that part of the proceeds from its sale will be channeled to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Sales of new iPhone 8 (PRODUCT) RED and iPhone 8 Plus (PRODUCT) RED start on the official website of Apple on pre-order. Relatively released at the same time as last year, the iPhone X is out of the question. Nevertheless, according to well-known journalist Bloomberg Mark Gurman, Apple is ready to present (PRODUCT) RED-models for all three iPhone.

Let's add that (PRODUCT) RED was created in 2006 by frontman of the U2 group Bono, who is also known as an activist supporting HIV/AIDS initiatives in Africa.

Apple has been cooperating with the brand (PRODUCT) RED for 12 years. For such a long time, the company launched several (PRODUCT) RED versions of its accessories: cases, straps for iWatch, iPod and iPad. Last year, Apple introduced the world's first model of the iPhone completely red.



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