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إلى الوراء
٩ يناير ٢٠١٧, ٢٠:٢١

Natco Pharma launches generic version of Hepatitis C drug in Nepal

Natco Pharma launches generic version of Hepatitis C drug in Nepal - صورة 1

Natco Pharma launches generic version of Hepatitis C drug in Nepal

Natco Pharma has launched Velpanat-a fixed dose combination drug containing sofosbuvir(400 mg) velpatasvir (100mg) for treatment of Hepatitis C in Nepal. The medication is sold by Gilead Sciences under brand name Epclusa and is the first pan-genotypic, single tablet regimen for the treatment of Hepatitis C. Natco has signed a non-exclusive licensing agreement with Gilead Sciences to manufacture and sell generic versions of its Hep C medicines in 101 developing countries. Velpanat is priced at Rs 25,000 equivalent for a bottle of 28 tablets in Nepal. 

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