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President of the United States announced plans to defeat HIV in the United States by 2030

President of the United States announced plans to defeat HIV in the United States by 2030 - صورة 1

During the annual message to Congress, US President Donald Trump announced his intention to eliminate HIV infection in the country over the next decade.

Trump stressed that for the implementation of the task they will be given relevant instructions and found a compromise on financing.

“In my (draft) budget, I will ask Democrats and Republicans to make the necessary commitments to end the HIV epidemic in the United States within ten years,” he told Congress.

The reason for announcing the possibility of achieving such ambitious goals, according to the president, was the tremendous achievements of scientists in the field of combating the immunodeficiency virus.

"Scientific breakthroughs have made the far-off dream come within reach," said Trump, "Together we will defeat AIDS in America."

We add that, in accordance with Trump’s 10-year strategy, previously supported by senior officials from the health sector, including HHS head Alex Azar and CDC director Robert Redfield, the country's health care will be focused on working with key (vulnerable) groups at risk of spreading infection. .

According to the CDC, there are more than 1 million people living with HIV in the United States today, with an annual increase in new cases of the virus reaching 40,000.

صورة: Reuters

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