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14 六月 2021, 09:50

World Health Organisation concerned about spread of Delta variant across Europe

World Health Organisation concerned about spread of Delta variant across Europe - 图片 1

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has raised the alarm of the real threat that the Delta variant of COVID-19 may take hold and spread in Europe, says Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

See the twitter thread and video here: https://twitter.com/WHO_Europe/status/1402912366883315714

The Delta variant, first spotted in India, is one of the more dangerous strains of COVID-19 due to its increased transmissibility and reduced vaccine efficacy. Whilst a single dose of vaccine offered moderate protection against previous strains, this isn’t enough to protect against the Delta variant – where both doses are required.

According to official data, the presence of the Delta variant has been confirmed in 53 countries. The WHO is asking that people take this new variant seriously and don’t repeat the previous year’s mistakes.

作者: Tom Hayes
译者: Tom Hayes
