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3 四月 2017, 13:46

U. S. National HIV Poetry Writing Month

U. S. National HIV Poetry Writing Month - 图片 1

NaPoWriMo (National Poetry WRITING Month) website, an annual project in which poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April, launches its 2017 campaign "Write a poem about HIV/AIDS."

So here's the deal. Anybody who wants can write an HIV/AIDS poem for NaPoWriMo and Is invited to send the writing to https://indolentbooks.submittable.com/submit/82493/napowrimo-national-poetry-writing-month-on-hiv-here-now

The poems are posted each day of April on the NaPoWriMo website. Also authors are encouraged to post their own poems elsewhere -- social media feeds, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, personal blog.

Here is today's prompt:

"Write about a person who died of AIDS who meant a lot to you. The person can be a well known public figure or someone in your personal life. Anyone."

作者: Liliya Ten
