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20 六月 2017, 09:11

The Trump Administration Doesn’t Pay Needed Attention to HIV Epidemic

The Trump Administration Doesn’t Pay Needed Attention to HIV Epidemic - 图片 1

Last week six advocates resigned from the  Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA). Members of the council are public health officials, health care providers, scientists, researchers, people with HIV positive status.

Less than a half of US HIV-positive population have an opportunity to get necessary life-saving drugs; there before the drugs were available for more than 20 years. An accident with the official website of the Office of National AIDS Policy also made some of ex-members of the Council to left: the website was taken down in the day the President took the office and there has been no replacement for the website for nearly four months into his administration.

Members of the Council and their ex-colleagues have done a lot in to follow the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, created seven years ago by the White House Office. People, who have dedicated their lives to help people with HIV in social, juridical, medical  aspects of daily life are worried with the way the Trump Administration treats questions and problems connected with HIV. Specialists note that their work is in danger without a strategy and policy of continuation of HIV-programs. They also couldn’t admit the fact that people living with HIV will be harmly legislated.  

作者: Marina Shegay
