
该应用程序有助于建立医生和HIV感染者之间的匿名沟通。 它可以让您创建简单易行的服药时间表,并设置隐藏和个性化的提醒。

26 七月 2017, 15:43

New Protocols for HIV/AIDS Treatment and Diagnosis Approved in Belarus

New Protocols for HIV/AIDS Treatment and Diagnosis Approved in Belarus - 图片 1

Dmitry Pinevich Deputy Minister of Health in Belarus announced the approval of new protocols for HIV/AIDS treatment and diagnosis. The Deputy Minister underscored that new protocols suit to all the recommendations of the World health organisation. On the opening day of the 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science in Paris, WHO has recommended to start treatment for HIV within a week after the diagnosis is approved.

By using the new protocols, belarusian specialists hope to reduce risk of further HIV virus transmission. Oral HIV tests give result in 20 minutes, are easy in usage and require saliva, not blood, which possibly may push away people who are afraid of blood tests.

Currently in Belarus more than 17 000 people are living with HIV.  

作者: Liliya Ten
