
该应用程序有助于建立医生和HIV感染者之间的匿名沟通。 它可以让您创建简单易行的服药时间表,并设置隐藏和个性化的提醒。

14 九月 2017, 12:30

European Migrans Report About Getting HIV positive Status After the Migration to the Continent

European Migrans Report About Getting HIV positive Status After the Migration to the Continent - 图片 1

A few HIV-positive migrants get their HIV positive status after they moved to Europe, for example in the year 2015 around 30 thousand of new HIV cases belong to the European continent, where around 38% of new diagnosed people with HIV were migrants and 15% of these diagnosis belong to people from the countries with generalised epidemics.

According to the statistical data, about 64% of migrants diagnosed with HIV get their status after they moved to another country. More than 70% of HIV transmission belongs to male migrants practicing sex with men, no matter from where of where they moved. It is notable that migrant men who have sex with men often come from countries where prevalence among men who have sex with men is lower than in the European cities they migrate to, as the avert.org reported. They also often migrate from societies that are largely homophobic, and may suffer from stigma – both internalised and from the communities around them. These factors may explain increased rates of HIV acquisition after migration.

作者: Liliya Ten
