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3 九月 2018, 11:01

Early birth and weight loss: why Africa refuses dolutegravir?

Early birth and weight loss: why Africa refuses dolutegravir? - 图片 1

Antiretroviral regimens based on protease inhibitors or nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors can cause early childbirth and low birth weight. This is reported by Aidsmap with reference to the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.

A study in Botswana showed an increased risk of neural tube defects in women taking dolutegravir during conception and the first trimester of pregnancy.

In some African countries, dolutegravir has already been abandoned to women of childbearing age, "until it is known more."

Experts warn that older schemes containing lopinavir / ritonavir or efavirenz may also lead to similar problems.

作者: Narek Karamyan
照片: Getty Images
