
该应用程序有助于建立医生和HIV感染者之间的匿名沟通。 它可以让您创建简单易行的服药时间表,并设置隐藏和个性化的提醒。

全部新闻 / 九月 2022


12 九月 2022
Summer camp for young people living with HIV held in Germany

Summer camp for young people living with HIV held in Germany

From August 15th to 20th, a summer camp for young people living with HIV from Ukraine was held in the German city of Cologne. The event was organised by Life4me+ in partnership with the local non-profit organisation GSSG. 33 participants came to the summer camp, including ...
educationalGSSGGermanyColognechildren living with HIVAugust2022summersummer campcamplife4me+life4meplusyoungyouthyoung peoplechildrenadolescentsadolescenteventeducationUNAIDSViiV HealthcareHIVpeople living with HIVnewscolognegermany