Chinese scientists have identified a promising new antibody for HIV treatment and prevention
A group of researchers from the University of Hong Kong have discovered a “powerful antibody” against HIV. BilA-SG, a tandem bi-specific broadly neutralising antibody (bnAb), has been developed and has undergone animal testing where it was shown to be effective in both preventing ...
hong kongBilA-SGSIVanimal testing2021septemberchinachinesebroadly neutralising antibodiesbnabantibodyantibodiestreatmentpreventionHIVresearch

Dolutegravir and Darunavir combined with NRTIs are equally effective in treating HIV
According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, dolutegravir and darunavir were equally effective in treating HIV - including in patients with high resistance - when combined with NRTIs. Additionally, trials have shown that tenofovir is non-inferior ...

Johnson & Johnson’s HIV vaccine trial delivers disappointing results
Last week, Johnson & Johnson announced that the HIV vaccine trial known as Imbokodo (HVTN705/HPX2008) failed to significantly reduce the risk of acquiring HIV in over 2,600 women across five sub-Saharan African countries. The initial data showed a 25% efficacy estimate, ...
septemeberjohnson & johnsonad26mosaico2021augusthivvaccinehiv vaccinejohnsonadenoviruspreventionImbokodomosaictrialstudy