Liliya Ten takes the helm at Life4me+
From November 1st 2021, Life4me+ will be under new leadership as Life4me+ President and Founder Alex Schneider transfers the management of the organisation to Liliya Ten.
Life4me+ is an international non-profit organisation working in the field of HIV and digital technologies. ...
life4me.pluslilia tenliliatenAlex SchneidermanagementorganisationNPOLife4me+life4meNGOnewsupdate

Life4me + launches new #RespectMyHIV campaign
On October 13th 2021, Life4me + launched their latest awareness campaign, ‘Respect My HIV’.
The campaign aims to raise awareness about HIV and to help build a more positive attitude towards all people who differ from the “norm” in some way, whether that be based on HIV ...
octoberrespect my hivrespect my#respectmyhiv#respectmyevent2021EACSeuropean aids clinical societyEACS2021campaigninformationnewslife4me+conferencelondon