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23 вересня 2014, 23:00

NPPA отменило директиву по ограничению цен на препараты от рака, ВИЧ, ССЗ и диабета

NPPA отменило директиву по ограничению цен на препараты от рака, ВИЧ, ССЗ и диабета - зображення 1

India’s drug pricing authority abandoned May guidelines that allowed for price caps on an expanded list of medicines, a boost for companies including Sanofi that had protested against such restrictions.

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority yesterday on its website said it is withdrawing “with immediate effect” a May 29 guideline that had allowed it to put price limits on certain drugs for cancer, HIV, cardiovascular disease and diabetes when needed.

The announcement comes after the Organisation of Pharmaceutical Producers of India protested price curbs that were placed on drugs in July. The trade group had said at the time that the widening caps had “shocked” the industry and would deter investment in the South Asian nation.

The reversal of the guidelines lowers “regulatory risk” in the Indian pharmaceutical market, as well as the threat of future caps, said Abhishek Singhal, an analyst at Macquarie Capital Securities in a research note.

Sanofi (SAN) India Ltd. rose 12 percent at 1:24 p.m. in Mumbai trading today, the most since June 2009. Abbott India Ltd. rose 1.4 percent. Cadila Healthcare Ltd. rose 1 percent.

On July 10, the NPPA said it would cap prices on 50 diabetes and heart treatments made by companies including Sanofi, Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and Cadila Healthcare. The restrictions were enabled by the NPPA’s May guidelines, in which it said it could limit prices of drugs outside India’s list of essential drugs in public interest.

The NPPA’s website didn’t provide updates on the status of the July caps. Injeti Srinivas, chairman of the organization, didn’t immediately respond to a message left with his office. Aparna Thomas, a spokeswoman for Sanofi in India, declined to comment.

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