More Than 50 New Medicines for HIV treatment to be Developed

More than 50 new drugs for HIV treatment are developed all over the World, said the Medicines in Development report by The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).
The majority of people living with HIV take not only one drug, but use combination of two or three drugs in one pill. Using one pill is easier - patient have few chances to forget about his drug intake and a few chances to improve his health and to increase the drug adherence.
Now there are about 45 drugs for HIv treatment and care approved in the USA, more than 50 new medicines are being developed. New medicines will be useful not only for HIV-positive patients, but also for broader public health, biopharmaceutical industry and health care community.
“Thanks to the hard work and dedication of countless individuals – from biopharmaceutical researchers, to those patients enrolled in clinical trials – we have seen an 88 percent decline in the HIV/AIDS death rate since the 1990s, and an estimated 862,000 premature HIV/AIDS deaths have been prevented in the United States. While we have made great progress, there is more to be done, which is why the 52 medicines and vaccines in development offer tremendous hope and inspiration that an AIDS-free generation may one day be in reach.” - said Stephen J. Ubl, president and chief executive officer of PhRMA.