2 მაისი 2017, 11:11
Life4me+ App was discussed by Vinay P. Saldanha during the XXVII CIS Health Care Cooperation Council

On 28 April, 2017 the XXVII CIS Health Care Cooperation Council was held in Bishkek. Headers of CIS relevant Ministries, such as Chairman - Health Care Minister of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova and Vinay P. Saldanha, UNAIDS Regional Director for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, took place in the Council. Vinay P. Saldanha, UNAIDS Regional Director for Eastern Europe & Central Asia, presented a report for priority measures, aimed to force the performance of liabilities of countries in the context of Political declaration on HIV/AIDS 2016.
UNAIDS spokesman noticed that it is urgent and historically important plan on activation of efforts to stop AIDS epidemic by 2030 year. Aims and liabilities, assigned in the Declaration, set that the stop AIDS epidemic is possible only on the basis of the enforcement of the measures for fighting HIV-infection by 2020 year. Particularly specified measures entailed the achievement of 90-90-90 treatment standards. According to 90-90-90 program, by 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy and 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.
In a course of his speech, Vinay P. Saldanha told the Council members about the advantages of Life4me+ App in the response to HIV-infection. UNAIDS spokesman presented to the event's participants the main functions of the program, and how the usage of LIFE4me+ App could influence on therapy adherence among HIV-positive people and how could the App make the lives of people living with HIV better.
Life4me+ team considers Vinay P. Saldanha may become an redoubtable part in the achievement of objectives, settled by Political declaration on HIV/AIDS and to change the situation noteworthy allover the region.
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