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აპლიკაცია ეხმარება აივ დადებით პირებს ექიმებთან ანონიმური კომუნიკაციის დამყარებაში. ეს ყველაფერი დაგეხმარებათ ორგანიზება გაუკეთოთ მედიკამენტების მიღების განრიგს და დააყენოთ ფარული და პერსონალიზებული შეხსენებები.

29 აგვისტო 2017, 10:00

India’s Supreme Court Declared Freedom of Sexual Orientation

India’s Supreme Court Declared Freedom of Sexual Orientation - სურათი 1

People in India have a freedom of sexual orientation and shouldn't be discriminated for it. Indian Constitution states liberty of sexual orientation. The local Government plans to vacate prohibition of homosexuality according to the Section 377 of the country’s penal code, which bans sexual activity that is “against the order of nature”.  As The Independent wrote, judges ruled that sexual orientation is covered under clauses in the Indian Constitution that relate to liberty, despite the Government claiming there was no legal right to privacy.

The Supreme Court’s judgement read: “Sexual orientation is an essential attribute of privacy. Discrimination against an individual on the basis of sexual orientation is deeply offensive to the dignity and self-worth of the individual. Equality demands that the sexual orientation of each individual in society must be protected on an even platform.”

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