Life4me+-ის ერთ-ერთი მთავარი მიზანია აივ, სხვა სგგი, ჰეპატიტი C და ტუბერკულოზის ახალი შემთხვევების პრევენცია.

აპლიკაცია ეხმარება აივ დადებით პირებს ექიმებთან ანონიმური კომუნიკაციის დამყარებაში. ეს ყველაფერი დაგეხმარებათ ორგანიზება გაუკეთოთ მედიკამენტების მიღების განრიგს და დააყენოთ ფარული და პერსონალიზებული შეხსენებები.

5 ივნისი 2017, 14:34

HPV Causes Pre-Cancerous Cervical Lesion More Often By HIV-positive Women

HPV Causes Pre-Cancerous Cervical Lesion More Often By HIV-positive Women - სურათი 1

American Association for Cancer Research studied nearly 1400 Senegalese women, following them from 1994 to 2010 year. Senegal was selected as a place of the study, because HIV is a kind of endemic disease in that region.

Following the results of the study, we can see that HIV-positive women had high rates of HPV acquirement, and lower rates of HPV infection treatment. “HPV goes unchecked, replicating quickly and developing abnormal lesions which can progress to cancer." - commented the main author of the research. He explains,  that HIV damages the immune system. The results of adherence to pre-cancerous cervical lesion predictably will be the same in the majority of countries with high HIV rates. Specialists note that HPV vaccination of women with a high risk of HIV infection is an important preventive measure.

Summary of the study states that HPV infection was more likely to develop into cervical pre-cancer in women living with human immunodeficiency virus, thus the development of cervical cancer prevention is quite important, especially in areas where HIV appears as an endemic disease.

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