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20 სექტემბერი 2017, 14:53

By 2020, 70% of people living with HIV in the US will be 50 or older

By 2020, 70% of people living with HIV in the US will be 50 or older - სურათი 1

On the first day of its annual AIDS Philanthropy Summit, Funders Concerned About AIDS (FCAA), the leading voice on philanthropic resources allocated to the global AIDS epidemic, shared the first-ever analysis of HIV philanthropy for older adults (those 50 years and older). The data highlights an alarming gap in resources: in 2015, 50 percent of people living with HIV in the US fell into this demographic, yet less than 2 percent of the country’s HIV-focused philanthropy addressed the needs of this particularly vulnerable population.

«Today it’s worth remembering that thirty years ago, a diagnosis of HIV was a death sentence,» said John Barnes, FCAA’s Executive Director. «Due to enormous advances in treatment, people are able to live far longer; so much so that by the year 2020, 70 percent of those living with HIV in the US will be over the age of 50. This is good news, but it brings with it unique complexities. Philanthropic funding is a critical source of support and is essential that it keep pace in order to ensure we adequately address the needs of older HIV-positive adults.»

Treatment is only one component to addressing HIV and AIDS among older Americans. This is the first time in this decades’ old fight in which we are seeing a population age with HIV. It’s a quickly growing demographic and one that requires an appropriate level of funding to support it. Philanthropic funding has historically provided critical and catalytic resources for the fight. However, at the moment, it is not keeping pace with this emerging need nor is it focused enough in key areas of concern.

A contributing factor to this challenge is that older adults don’t see themselves as an at-risk population, nor do their healthcare providers. As a result, by the time they are tested for HIV, older adults often receive a dual diagnosis due to the fact that they are living with more than two chronic conditions as they age. In addition, according to an ACRIA study, even those who may be aware of their diagnosis, or those who have been living with it for many years, face common comorbidities such as depression, arthritis, hepatitis, neuropathy and hypertension.

You can read the complete findings of the study here.

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