Life4me+-ის ერთ-ერთი მთავარი მიზანია აივ, სხვა სგგი, ჰეპატიტი C და ტუბერკულოზის ახალი შემთხვევების პრევენცია.

აპლიკაცია ეხმარება აივ დადებით პირებს ექიმებთან ანონიმური კომუნიკაციის დამყარებაში. ეს ყველაფერი დაგეხმარებათ ორგანიზება გაუკეთოთ მედიკამენტების მიღების განრიგს და დააყენოთ ფარული და პერსონალიზებული შეხსენებები.

4 მარტი 2021, 16:56

Anti-Discrimination Day marked on March 1st

Anti-Discrimination Day marked on March 1st - სურათი 1

On this year’s Anti-Discrimination Day. UNAIDS called attention to the importance of eliminating inequalities in every aspect of our lives, including, but not limited to income; gender; age; health; employment; disability; sexual orientation; drug use; gender identity; race; ethnicity and religion.

Indeed, inequality in access to HIV services and treatment is now one of the main reasons why the global HIV targets set for 2020 were not reached on time.

To achieve visible and tangible results, UNAIDS is proposing a range of policy changes, including:

  • Removal of all discriminatory, stigmatising and punitive laws against disadvantaged groups and minorities.
  • Abolition of all laws that discriminate against women; implement policies and programs to combat gender discrimination.
  • Providing free public healthcare and acknowledging that specialised services must become and integral part of that.

Every citizen can contribute to tackling inequality by following five key actions:

  1. Identify and publicise inequalities.
  2. Become an ally, declare every case of inequality.
  3. Demand changes from the government, parliament or ombudsman.
  4. Submit and support petitions that seek to remove punitive and discriminatory laws.
  5. Support campaigns and organisations that work towards fairness and equality across the world.
ავტორი: Tom Hayes

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