Актер Чарли Шин рассказал о перспективном АРВ-препарате PRO 140

Sheen, who revealed last November that he contracted the HIV virus, says he feels "excellent" and is ready for the project.
"I am part of an FDA study right now, which I have been involved with for 24 weeks, and there is a new drug that is on the fast track for FDA approval " Sheen says, candidly. "It's called PRO 140 and the company is Cytodyn. It's a global game-changer. There are no side effects. None. It is one shot every week, instead of a handful of toxic pills every day. It is the closet thing to a cure that we could possibly have right now. You can live a completely normal life. You can self-administer. The other shit, it kept me alive, sure, but it had hideous side effects — migraines, stomach problems, liver damage. But this stuff is the future of treatment for this condition, and I am excited as hell to be a part of it. I don't mind talking about that at all because it is going to give a lot of people hope and something to look forward to and really wrap their arms around it."