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إلى الوراء
٣٠ يوليو ٢٠١٨, ١٢:٠٣

WHO has issued updated recommendations for the treatment of hepatitis C

WHO has issued updated recommendations for the treatment of hepatitis C - صورة 1

As the Coalition for Preparedness for Treatment (ITPCru) reported last week, in the end of July, on the eve of World Hepatitis Day, which was held this Saturday, the World Health Organization (WHO) prepared updated recommendations for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.

According to the experts who analyzed the document, several provisions deserve special attention. First, the organization confirmed the adherence to the rule to treat all patients from 12 years of age and older with regimens including direct antiviral drugs (PDV).

Secondly, the WHO said that in the treatment of viral hepatitis C priority should be given to panthenotypic regimens.

Finally, the authors of the document do not recommend the use of direct-acting drugs for the treatment of the virus, when it comes to children under 12 years old. In this case, WHO recommends the use of interferon schemes.

As ITPCru adds, this part of the WHO will soon also be amended.

More details with updated recommendations can be found on the link.

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