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٢٨ أغسطس ٢٠١٨, ٠٧:٤٠

UNICEF: every hour 30 adolescents become infected with HIV. 2/3 - girls

UNICEF: every hour 30 adolescents become infected with HIV. 2/3 - girls - صورة 1

According to the report of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), adolescents 15-19 years, especially girls, are most affected by the global HIV / AIDS epidemic. According to the fund, every hour HIV is infected with about 30 teenagers, 20 of whom are girls, reports Reuters.

According to the report, about 30 teenagers are infected with HIV every hour, of which 20 are girls. UNICEF considers this "a health crisis, as well as a crisis of the agency."

According to the authors of the report, such an amount of infected teenage girls is explained by early sex, including with adult men, forced sex, impotence in sex negotiations (for a man to put on a condom), poverty and lack of access to confidential counseling and testing services.

According to UNICEF, 130,000 children under the age of 19 died from AIDS last year, and 430,000 - almost 50 per hour - were infected with HIV.

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