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Triple Drug Regimen Is Effective in Drug-resistant Hepatitis C Treatment

Triple Drug Regimen Is Effective in Drug-resistant Hepatitis C Treatment - صورة 1

American researchers from the Infectious Diseases Denver Health, Medical Center, University of Colorado have found that three drugs of  grazoprevir, ruzasvir, and uprifosbuvir combined shown great efficiency in drug-resistant Hepatitis C treatment and published the results of the trials in Hepatology online journal.

"Effective treatment options for people who have failed the current generation of all-oral DAA regimens will require a combination of drugs of sufficient potency to overcome multiple negative predictors, while simultaneously presenting a high barrier to resistance to overcome baseline RASs (potentially multi-class) and prevent emergence of new RASs. The lack of virologic failures is impressive, particularly in the very difficult to treat C-SURGE study population. However, further studies are needed to determine if shorter durations and the omission of RBV from the treatment regimen maintain this high cure rate." - said said  David L Wyles, header of the trial,  MD, Chief of Infectious Diseases Denver Health, Medical Center, University of Colorado.

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