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Transgenders Wouldn't be Allowed to Serve in the US Army

Transgenders Wouldn't be Allowed to Serve in the US Army - صورة 1

Donald Trump, the  president of the  USA, signed a law prohibiting transgender people from serving in the US Army. The law will prohibit to the Ministry of Defense to accept on the service  transgender people, as well as a new law prohibits the cost coverage of sex-change operations.

Earlier, Trump had already announced his intention to restore a law banning transgender people from serving, which was abolished by the administration of the previous president Barack Obama.

The political course of Trump discriminates  many segments of the population, now transgenders are among them. Such a policy reinforces radical attitudes in society, which may further negatively affect the tolerance and the prevention of socially significant diseases, such as HIV.

مؤلف: ليليا تين

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