أحد الأهداف الرئيسية لـ Life4me + - منع حالات الإصابة الجديدة بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية والأمراض المنقولة جنسياً الأخرى والتهاب الكبد الوبائي والسل.

يساعد التطبيق على تأسيس اتصال مجهول بين الأطباء والمصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية. انها تسمح لك بسهولة تنظيم جدول الدواء الخاص بك وإعداد تذكير خفية وشخصية.

إلى الوراء
٢٣ مايو ٢٠١٧, ١٥:٥٧

The way how PrEP works would be tested with transgenders

The way how PrEP works would be tested with transgenders - صورة 1

There is a lack of data about how PrEP works in transgender area. Information is not enough because of difficulties appearing  to the scientists, when they divide people into groups. Many transgenders refuse to take part in experiments because they don’t like the way they are classified. Special classification for further researches and studies are needed to know the way HRT combines with PrEP. The popularity of HIV-preventative care grows among transgender community.

Finally, a study aimed to “investigation of potential drug interactions between PrEP and hormone use”, researching only transgenders, started this April. Hopefully, the study would make a contribution in reduction of HIV-infection. According to statistics - at least a quarter of transgender people have HIV-positive reaction.

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