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٣١ يوليو ٢٠١٧, ١٥:٣٥

The “An Application to Primary HIV Prevention Among High Risk Drug Users” Study

The “An Application to Primary HIV Prevention Among High Risk Drug Users” Study - صورة 1

American researchers from Connecticut conducted a study called “An Application to Primary HIV Prevention Among High Risk Drug Users”, which was published in AIDS and behaviour journal.

To see how using of PrEP could protect people who use drugs, were selected more than 350 patients of methadone clinic with HIV negative status and with drug/sex risk behaviour. As the scientists report, the research was aimed to find the acceptability of PrEP based on a number of known PrEP attributes among high-risk people who use drugs  in a drug treatment setting. Patients were divided into 8 groups with different types PrEP dosage, cost and side effects. At the average PrEP shows 56% of efficiency. As the scientists concluded, their findings reported a high acceptability of PrEP in response to different PrEP program scenarios with different attribute profiles and this information can help to the other investigators and policymakers to optimize PrEP uptake among this underserved population.

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