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إلى الوراء
٨ يونيو ٢٠١٧, ١٢:١٠

Syphilis-Outbreak in England

Syphilis-Outbreak in England - صورة 1

The Guardian have reported about syphilis-outbreak in England. Specialists and doctors said, there was no such a syphilis outbreak in England for nearly 67 years!  The level of syphilis transmission has increased on 12%, the majority of syphilis transmission cases happen among bisexual and gay men, according to Public Health England (PHE) publication.

“Today’s figures show unacceptably high rates of STIs. We’re facing huge challenges, such as the continued rise of syphilis and ongoing concerns around drug-resistant gonorrhoea, and we urgently need to address the nation’s poor sexual health and rates of STIs in those most at risk” - that’s how Dr Michael Brady, the medical director for the Terrence Higgins Trust commented the actual situation.

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