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٣١ يوليو ٢٠١٧, ١٠:٥٢

State-Sponsored Homophobia Report 2017

State-Sponsored Homophobia Report 2017 - صورة 1

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) published a State-Sponsored Homophobia report for the current year “A World Survey of Sexual Orientation Laws: Criminalisation, Protection and Recognition”.

“72 States continue to criminalise same-sex consensual activity, and in 45 of these States the law is applied to women as well as men. Although law that criminalises same-sex sexual practice is slowly annually decreasing – with Belize and Seychelles being the most recent to repeal such laws in 2016 – persecution and deep stigmatisation persist in many States. On the other hand, enactment of specific legislation that protects us from discrimination and violence has significantly expanded in recent years, and the real test facing States is meaningful implementation of those laws. Although laws that recognise our relationships and families are also on the increase, less than 25% of the world’s States recognise or protect us – that is a sobering thought.” - said Aengus Carroll, one of the co-authors of the report.

ILGA analyzed the way people are treated because of their sexual orientation and gender identity all round the World and concluded that more than 70 countries of the World consider private same-sex sexual activity as a crime and can be punished with jail sentence; in some of the countries private same-sex sexual activity is punished by death penalty. More than 20 countries have law barriers, complicating the foundation and registration process of LGBT communities and organizations. Now only 9 countries have sexual orientation protected by the law.

“Knowledge is itself power: it is the power to challenge norms and practices that continue to oppress LGBTIQ people and communities. It is the power of information, and the courage to use it that will indeed make this world a better place for everyone.” - said Ruth Baldacchino and Helen Kennedy, co-Secretaries General at ILGA.


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