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١٥ يونيو ٢٠١٧, ٠٩:٣٠

PrEP Program Has Started in Vietnam

PrEP Program Has Started in Vietnam - صورة 1

In Vietnam has started the program for PrEP for those who are at high risk of being HIV infected. The program of HIV-preventive care started on Monday with the support of the Administration for AIDS Control of Vietnam in cooperation with PATH. People taking part in preventive HIV care are at high risk of becoming HIV-positive through unprotected sex contacts or non-sterile drug injection: so they take antiretroviral drug containing tenofovir every day, which is one of the parts of HIV-prevention strategy. PrEP as a preventive care measure has shown great results by reducing the risk of being HIV infected in people who are at high risk by more than 90 percent.  

“PrEP is a new and evidenced-based method for HIV prevention that is increasingly being adopted around the world, including in lower- and middle-income countries. By introducing PrEP services in Việt Nam, we have the opportunity to dramatically reduce the number of new HIV cases and eliminate HIV in Việt Nam by 2030,”noted Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng Long, director of the Administration for AIDS Control of Vietnam.

Vietnamese PrEP program is aimed to show the approximate model of better service targeting and so better results in HIV preventive care. Prescriptions of PrEP have begun in March and would long till autumn of year 2018. The results of Vietnamese will become a data to be presented to the Ministry of Health of Vietnam for further HIV preventive care and treatment.

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