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٢٢ مايو ٢٠١٧, ١٦:٠٣

PrEP Became Free in Belgium For High-Risk Groups

PrEP Became Free in Belgium For High-Risk Groups - صورة 1

Truvada medication was approved as a preventative care medicine for those Belgians who run a high risk of getting HIV. The significant decision of Truvada’s reimbursement was made by Maggie De Block, Belgian Minister of Health.

Belgium’s AIDS Reference Center carried out a comprehensive study on HIV prevention ways. It is stated that PrEP could be prescribed only by the AIDS centers to those people who are HIV-negative and in high-risk of possible sexual contacts with people having HIV-positive/unknown status.

A measure like that is aimed to stop HIV spread in Belgium. Infection diseases doctors and HIV-activists pay special attention to the fact the PrEP is not a one hundred percent guaranteed defense from all STI so that physicians note the importance of condoms usage

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