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٢٦ أبريل ٢٠١٧, ١٤:٣٧

Organ Donation for HIV-Positive Donors Bill Signed In Delaware, U. S.

Organ Donation for HIV-Positive Donors Bill Signed In Delaware, U. S. - صورة 1

Senate Bill 17 was signed into law yesterday, which allows HIV-positive people living in Delaware state, U.S., to donate organs to HIV-positive recipients, and allows organs from HIV-positive donors to be used for clinical research.

“We’ve come a long way since the 1980s,” said Senator Bryan Townsend, D-Newark, who sponsored the legislation. “This legislation reflects major advances in our scientific and medical understanding of HIV, and it offers an opportunity to substantially improve quality of life and life expectancy for transplant recipients with and without HIV.”

John C. Carney Jr., Governor of Delaware State, also signed a proclamation recognizing April 2017 as National Donate Life Month in Delaware.

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