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Novartis Develops New Drug for Malaria

Novartis Develops New Drug for Malaria - صورة 1

Novartis company announced the start of testing of a new drug for malaria. The pill will contain a combination of KAF156 drug and the other medicine, according to the information of the specialists. Approximately 500 adults and children from a few countries of Asia and Africa would participate in the research to find the needed drug dosage for each age group. Investigators said that the testing procedure will last for a half of a year.  

“The fact that we are already able to find parasites that are starting to show resistance is a cause for concern. We have to get ahead of this now because we wouldn’t want to be in a situation where we lose one of those medicines to resistance on a large scale.” - said Vas Narasimhan, global head of drug development at Basel, Switzerland-based Novartis.

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