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إلى الوراء
١٧ يوليو ٢٠١٧, ١٥:٤٧

Nigeria Has Reached the “Tipping Point” for HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Nigeria Has Reached the “Tipping Point” for HIV/AIDS Epidemic - صورة 1

Nigeria has achieved good results in the fight against HIV epidemic, few people newly get infected.  Nigeria has reached the “tipping point” for the epidemic. Under the tipping point is meant that more people are going on treatment than people getting newly infected.

“We have an opportunity because in the last few weeks we have just crossed the tipping point for the epidemic. The tipping point for the epidemic is when we have more people going on treatment than we have new infections, which means that the epidemic is on real downward trend and therefore we need to maintain that momentum,’’  said The Director-General of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS, NACA, Sani Aliyu in the interview to Premium Times journal.

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