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New Study Of Cabotegravir As Injectable HIV Medication Started

New Study Of Cabotegravir As Injectable HIV Medication Started - صورة 1

A study to evaluate whether a new injectable medication can work as well as an existing oral pill to protect safely against HIV among men who have sex with men and transgender women who have sex with men launched by The HIV Prevention Trials Network.

The trial is aimed to resolve whether a new HIV prevention drug 'cabotegravir,' which can be injected into the body every two months, is as safe and efficient as Truvada.

Cabotegravir is an integrase inhibitor, which blocks an HIV enzyme and prevents the virus from multiplying. The agent is packaged into nanoparticles conferring an exceptionally long half-life of 21–50 days following a single dose. This would make possible suppression of HIV with dosing as rarely as once every three months. The investigators consider that the long-lasting nature of the injectable drug may make it easier to adhere to than a daily oral medication.

"We are very excited to bring access to a prevention trial with a promising long-acting drug for Houstonians at risk for HIV infection. This novel prevention strategy aims to improve adherence, which is directly linked to efficacy," one of the study collaborator, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Roberto C. Arduino, M.D., said.

The study will enroll 4,500 participants and last up to four and a half years in the United States, Thailand, Peru, Brazil, Vietnam, Argentina and South Africa.

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