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٢٢ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨, ٠٨:٥٧

Minsk signed the Paris Declaration on accelerating measures to end the AIDS epidemic

Minsk signed the Paris Declaration on accelerating measures to end the AIDS epidemic - صورة 1

On the third day of the II Regional Meeting on expanding access to high-quality and affordable drugs and diagnostic products for treating and preventing HIV in the EECA countries, Minsk supported the Paris Declaration on Accelerating Action to End the AIDS Epidemic in Large Cities (Fast-Track Cities).

Supporting the UNAIDS initiative Fast-Track Cities, which has already been joined by Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva, San Francisco, Washington, Bangkok, Melbourne, Delhi, Kiev, Odessa, and others, implies the commitment of the city’s authorities to achieve goals 90-90-90 by 2020, when 90% of citizens living with HIV know their status, 90% of them are on therapy and 90% of those on ART have an undetectable viral load.

In addition, commitments on Fast-Track Cities imply achieving a “zero” level of discrimination against people living with HIV.

We add that at the end of last week, Yekaterinburg declared about joining the program. The signing of the Paris Declaration by the city on December 1, 2018 promises to be a landmark, as Ekaterinburg will be the first in Russia to officially support this initiative of UNAIDS.

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