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HIV Testing Kits Is Selling In Vending Machines To Curb HIV Epidemics Among Chinese Youth

HIV Testing Kits Is Selling In Vending Machines To Curb HIV Epidemics Among Chinese Youth - صورة 1

A Chinese university has started selling HIV testing kits in vending machines as an increasing number of young people become infected with HIV in China.

The kits, which cost less than $5, are sold in vending machines beside drinks and snacks at China’s Southwest Petroleum University in Sichuan Province. The province had a high prevalence of HIV and AIDS and was among the top three Chinese provinces, which accounted for nearly half of China’s half million cases at the end of 2014, according to China’s 2015 AIDS report.

Though comparable kits sell for around 300 yuan ($45) on online shopping site Taobao, the kits in the university’s vending machine held around 30 yuan ($4.43). The price is subsidised by a charity, according to local newspaper Huaxi Daily.

Students have to take urine samples to make the test and then send them back to a lab to be tested anonymously. The results could be accessed online.

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