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"Goalkeepers" Report About It’s Main Targets, Including HIV

"Goalkeepers" Report About It’s Main Targets, Including HIV - صورة 1

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced the first-annual "Goalkeepers" report — a report about the main targets of the foundation, aimed to improve health care and treatment for the future generations.

HIV is one of the most important areas of the foundation to work on.  According to the actual statistics, published in the buisinessinsider, the HIV rate is   about 0.14 people per 1,000 population, down from a high of 0.30 in the early 2000s. Bill Gates notes, that now people seem feel safe because of many medical developments and progress in HIV treatment over the last decades. Models developed by the Gates Foundation and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that a 10% cut in HIV treatment funding could lead to 5.6 million deaths by 2030.

Africa remains in the high risk zone, even with the preservation of HIV funding programs. If  the situation with the medical facilities and health care system remains the same, there is a high risk for more than 250 million people to get HIV-positive status.

"What that means is pretty clear. If we only do as well as we've been doing on prevention, the absolute number of people getting HIV will go up even beyond its previous peak. In the meantime, if we don't spend more to deliver the tools we have now, we'll have more cases. If we have more cases, we'll need to spend more on treatment, or people will die." - Gates comment the release of the foundation.

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