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GeoVax And American Gene Technologies Announced Collaboration For HIV Functional Cure

GeoVax  And American Gene Technologies Announced Collaboration For HIV Functional Cure - صورة 1

GeoVax Labs announced its collaboration with American Gene Technologies International (AGT) for the administration of Phase 1 clinical trial studying the companies’ consolidated technologies as a functional cure for HIV infection.

AGT plans to conduct a Phase 1 clinical study with HIV-positive persons to examine the safety and feasibility of protecting them with modified CD4+ T cells using AGT’s exclusive lentiviral vector technology. According to the collaboration agreement, GeoVax will provide to AGT its MVA-VLP HIV vaccine for use in the study. T-cells, obtained from vaccinated individuals, will be programmed by AGT’s lentivirus vector and infused back into the study participants bodies as a therapeutic cell product.

The primary objectives of this trial will be to evaluate the safety and tolerability of the therapy, with secondary objectives to evaluate immune responses and changes in viral status. The overall goal of the collaboration is to develop a functional cure for HIV infection.

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