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١ ديسمبر ٢٠١٦, ٠٨:٣٢

CDC report: syringe exchanges reduce HIV transmission rates

CDC report: syringe exchanges reduce HIV transmission rates - صورة 1

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has released a report stating that syringe and needle exchange programs helped to drop HIV transmission rates in African-American and Latino drug users.

Injection drug use is responsible for 9% of HIV cases in the U.S. and contributed to a 150% increase in acute cases of hepatitis C nationwide in 2015. Syringe exchanges might not only reduce the risk of HIV and other bloodborne disease transmissions, but also provide drug users with information regarding prevention education and treatment.

"It is encouraging to see prevention efforts paying off in African-American and Latino communities. We must now take concrete steps that build upon and accelerate that progress. HIV risk remains too high for all people who inject drugs," said Dr. Eugene McCray, director of the CDC's Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.

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