Brazil, Belgium, Morocco, Portugal Would Start PrEP Programs

Nowadays more and more countries join the community of countries with PrEP programs, because more and more officials realize the importance of HIV-preventive care. Only in May Belgium, Portugal and Brazil announced the starts of their PrEP programs.
Belgium will realize PrEP for a monthly subscription price, which would be by 44 times less than for real price.
Preventive care program of Portugal contains privileges for those at high risk of HIV infection. Portuguese program contains free medical consultations, tests and an opportunity to visit HIV treatment centres without being redirected to them through primary care facilities. People at high risk of being HIV-infected would have the same opportunities and privileges as people with HIV-positive status.
Brazil is going to provide people at high risk of being HIV-infected with PrEP medications for free. Brazilian Health Minister announced that Brazil will spend nearly 2 million dollars to provide with tenofovir people, who need it.
Morocco followed the example of western countries and also announced the start of a research, to find how effective would be the PrEP usage in Morocco. This is the first country in the Middle East and North Africa region to authorise PrEP. Three biggest moroccan cities will take place in the research.
Wide usage of preventive care medicines would differ in each country due to peculiarities of national budget, healthcare system in each region.